Tuesday, May 31, 2011

first full week on project

time has FLOWN by!!

i've now been on project for officially a week and God has taught me soooooo much!!

lets start off with the basics. God has been planning everything for a reason and for a while. the people on project are amazing. the directors(HEAD PEEPS IN CHARGE) are legit. their names are chad and mk. then there are some staff and student staff that lead our small groups and really help us in our personal walks with the lord(leading our small group bible studies along with one on one discipleship). my discipler and leader is named cayli. she is soooo precious and wise. she is 25, currently on staff as a women's leader at the university of tennessee.

then there are the actual students on project. everyone is sooooo nice and just willing to be friendly all the time. idk, i just love everyone already. we've done alot of get to know you games/activities like a scavenger hunt in downtown charleston, ice cream social, hanging out by the pool, eating in the hospitality suite(basically a room devoted to food/appliances/storage etc), prayer walking/evangelizing on the beach, participating(TEAM #1**AKA MY TEAM** WON) in a field day challenge/events, and just hanging out like all the time!

its been a blast getting to know everyone, especially my roommates robin, bailee, and abby. i just love spending time in our room; talking, laughing, dancing, singing ay bay bay(BAILEE'S NICKNAME/SONG), snacking, decorating our room, cuddling, sharing what the Lord is doing, learning weird habits, and just being together in such a small space.

i've also become pretty close with my discipleship group led by cayli, which members include robin(also my roommate/bed buddy), anna, courtneigh, and leslie. we all have such good conversations about what God brought us through in the past, what God is teaching us in our present, and what we want to do for God in our future. seriously, our dgroup is LEGIT and i love having dinner with them once a week!!

the community being built is amazing. God has been constructing these friendships, connections, and other crazy bits for a while, and its sooo much fun to see how he has coordinated/accomplished all of it towards this summer project.

i've currently worked at mcdonalds for a total of 3 days.
i work with one other student on project: his name is hunter. he's the class clown/loud kid everyone is friends with! its pretty fun driving with him to work everyday, and there are always good stories to tell!!

my manager and coworkers are sooooo patient. i love them already!

the last three days i was placed on the front register. i was basically fed to the wolves if you will.. but finally understand how to take someone's order, make any dessert, drink, or serve a meal to the customer's content.

my first day was really hard. it was difficult adjusting to taking people's orders and learning how to use their system. but currently on my third day(today) i got it!!!!

again i cannot say how patient and sweet my coworkers and manager are... God really is looking out for me as i learn new skills in order to glorify him in my workplace.

as for details in working mcdonalds, i honestly don't know what to say. its a humbling experiance but such a good mission field, that i feel honored God opened a position for me to take at such a good establishment(im not just saying that!!)

soooo basically my weekly schedule is like this if you really want some good solid details:

every week day is as follows:
7:30am wakeup, breakfast, quiet time with the Lord, get ready for work
10:30am leave for work with hunter
11am-5pm working at mcdonalds(usually lunch break is at 2pm after lunch rush)
5ish pm head back to hotel and relax for a bit

monday nights = project dinner(everyone on summer project gets together for dinner at our hotel's conference room)
tuesday nights = d-group dinner and bible study
wednesday nights = dinner on our on(usually a pb&j or microwaveable meal), team meetings(i am on the community team and help plan social events etc = help bring community) and THEN reflection time(time with God reflecting)
thursday nights = weekly cru meeting at college of charleston(praise&worship and a speaker)
friday nights = off(FREE TIMEEEEEEEE)

saturdays we have outreach in the morning and afternoons
outreach is usually beach evangelism or dream center(local church outreach with a clinic, air conditioned area to play games, bball, etc to underprivileged inner city kids)
sat night = social events(im on the community team, where we plan certain activities such as rollerblading with crazy clothing, dance parties, banquets, scavenger hunts etc)

attend redeemer presb. church in downtown charleston
afternoons are "off"/free time but another student named Chase and I were "adopted" by the pastor's family for the summer. sooo we basically go over to their house in the afternoon to do laundry, hang out with their family, and just spend time with them! the bailey family is soooo sweet and nice and i love the parents already. they are just so welcoming :) i they're like my family away from my family. and chase is a pretty cool bro.. he's teaching me how to drive his stick shift truck named jenny(FORREST GUMP).

anywaysssssssss i know that was long, but i hope i was able to give y'all a glimpse of what i've been up to in charleston so farrrr. God is moving here. I've been slowly growing closer to a few coworkers along with evangelizing on the beach this past saturday and God is really showing me how to talk to others about Christ(relationally and intentionally).

I can't wait to see what he's got in store for the rest of the summer, the rest of my life, and the lives of those that are radically changed because of their realization of God's undying and never ceasing love for them. seriously, i CANNOT WAIT to see what God's will is one day and look back and say Lord, you were amazing back there, and you're amazing now, and you will continue to be AMAZING(oranother GREAT adjective) forever and ever and ever and ever into the future!

some scripture i'd really love to share includes:
1 peter 1:13
philippians 2:4
1 thessaloninans 2:8
AND philippians 4:12-13

THANKS again for reading and come again :))))

ANDDDDDD if you're in charleston at all this summer, please call me and we can try and meet up or you can come visit me at my mcdonalds (on montague in North Charleston near the airport and interstate 26!) I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOUUUUUUUU!

OKAY i need to go to bed like now.. so tired :(

please continue to pray for God to work in lives specifically those i am working with! i already love them so much and want them to know our creator, Lord and Savior!!

okay i love you for stickin' with me! GOODNIGHT


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